S3 Storage

Instead of serving video directly from your personal server you can use a S3 compatible storage provider to offload the bandwidth and storage requirements elsewhere. This is not for permanent storage of recordings or archival purposes, just for live streams.

Choose your storage provider of choice. If your provider is not listed, you can file an issue and we’ll test and write up some documentation for it.

Some storage providers, such as Oracle Cloud Objects, require the “path-style” configuration option to be enabled. Refer to your storage provider to learn more.

Path style configuration was first supported in Owncast 0.0.11.
AWS S3 →
AWS S3 is a good choice if you're already using AWS for your server or are comfortable using AWS for other things.
OVH Object Storage S3 →
OVH allowes S3 object storage on their public cloud offer
Backblaze B2 →
Backblaze B2's first 10G of storage is free, and the first 1G of download per day is free after that. Afterwards they charge $0.01/G.
Digital Ocean Spaces →
250 GB storage + 1 TB Outbound Transfer for $5/mo.
Wasabi →
*no longer recommended* $5.99/mo with no additional costs for the amount of people or amount of times people access your video.
Cloudfare R2 →
Cloudflare R2 Object Storage is S3-compatible
Vultr Object Storage →
If you use Vultr for hosting your server it makes sense to use their storage offering.
Linode Object Storage →
250 GB storage + 1 TB Outbound Transfer for $5/mo.
Minio →
With a selfhosted MinIO server, you get even more control over your data.
Oracle Cloud Object Storage →
Oracle Cloud Object Storage is AWS S3 compatible, but requires a little bit different configuration. And 10GB are Always Free!
Contabo Object Storage →
$2.49 monthly for 250GB storage. Data transfer is unlimited and free of charge!