OVH Object Storage S3

If your Owncast server is hosted on an OVH machine you should use their object storage product. Be careful there are two different types of object storage : Swift and S3. This applies only for S3.

Create your owncast user

In OVH console create your Owncast user. In Storage / Object Storage / S3 users and choose Add User / Create a new user. This will create a user with Object Storage Operator and its access / secret ID.

Setup aws cli

You might have this cli already setup if you are using AWS. In that case pick only what you need.

  1. Installation:
pip install awscli awscli-plugin-endpoint
mkdir ~/.aws
  1. Configuration


endpoint = awscli_plugin_endpoint

[profile default]
region = <region>
s3 =
  endpoint_url = https://s3.<region>
  signature_version = s3v4
s3api =
  endpoint_url = https://s3.<region>


aws_access_key_id = <owncast_user_access_key>
aws_secret_access_key = <owncast_user_access_key>

Create your bucket

aws --profile default s3api create-bucket --acl public-read --bucket <bucket_name>

To allowes your bucket to be used on your owncast website you have to define CORS. The following cors.json is generous and allowes any websites.


  "CORSRules": [
      "AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
      "AllowedHeaders": ["Authorization"],
      "AllowedMethods": ["GET", "HEAD"],
      "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000

Setup owncast

In admin interface Configuration/ Server Setup / S3 Object Storage

Fill all the information you could find in your OVH console:

  • Endpoint : https://s3.<region>
  • Access key / Secret key: the one you have used in ~/.aws/credentials
  • Bucket: <bucket_name>
  • Optional Settings / Serving Endpoint: https://<bucket_name>.s3.<region>

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