One-click-install with DigitalOcean


Step 1: Initiate Deployment

Begin by clicking the “Deploy” button below to kickstart the deployment process. This will set up Owncast on Elestio seamlessly.


Step 2: Choose Your Providers

  1. Cloud Service Provider: Select the cloud service provider of your choice.

  2. Region Selection: Choose the region that aligns with your preferences.

  3. Service Plan: Opt for a service plan based on your needs, with details such as CPU and RAM provided.

  4. Confirmation: Confirm your selections and proceed to the next step by clicking “Next.”

Step 3: Configuration

  1. Support Level: Choose the support level that suits your requirements.
  2. Application Naming: Provide a name for your application.
  3. Admin Email: Add an admin email for accessibility.
  4. Service Creation: Click “Create Service” to initialize the setup.
  5. Optional: Terraform Config Copy Optionally, copy your Terraform config for future reference.

Step 4: Utilize Owncast

  1. Admin UI Access: Click on “Display Admin UI.” and access the Admin UI using the link provided.
  2. Login Credentials: Enter the username and password provided on the dashboard.

Step 5: Keep Owncast Updated

  1. Overview Section: Navigate to the Overview section within your Owncast service.
  2. Change Version: Click “Change version” in the Software section.
  3. Version Selection: Choose the latest version or your preferred version.
  4. Additional Updates: Optionally, update configurations or restart the instance with a single click under the same section.

Congratulations! Your Owncast instance on Elestio is now successfully deployed and configured. Feel free to explore and utilize its capabilities or update as needed.